Monday 31 August 2015

How Efficient are Women as Business Leaders ?

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Women at work? Well, the concept was not a prominent one in the earlier time but it is not, of course, an unknown matter nowadays. As opportunities continue to flourish in the professional platforms creating more ways leading to the fruitfulness of education in getting jobs, women are not agreeing to stay indoors and are willing to explore the responsible aspects of their nature in a broader expansion and not in homes. So, the fact of women employment just cannot be ignored.

Distinctive qualities of women

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Women possess other distinctive qualities quite different than that of men. It is a rare talent of the combination of several virtues that they have. Women implement these virtues and, eventually, they find out good results from them. Femininity is an aspect that is effectively utilised by a woman in order to get an equivalent progress in their families.

While a husband is normally responsible for the well being of the family from all ways, the wife is responsible for the betterment of the successful execution of the domestic operations. The husband provides financial and other securities to the family as well as being the guide and spiritual epitome of the family. The wife, on the other hand, is held responsible for the caring treatment.

Pastor/teacher John Piper writes, “God intends for all the ‘weaknesses’ that are characteristically masculine to call forth and highlight woman’s strengths. And God intends for all the ‘weaknesses’ that are characteristically feminine to call forth and highlight man’s strengths.”
This shows that women nurture more in the family as they care for their family members. So, women are more a nurturer and this quality, if used in leadership, can definitely produce good results.

Working women

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So, it is identified that the women are responsible almost equally with the men for the well being of their families. Now comes the point of working. Let us have a look at the common housewives of the domestic families at first. What exactly the women do in a family? Do they sit idle or are they busy in different kind of activities?

The answer obviously points to women working hard for the benefit for their own families. They are never observed to be ignoring household work. They perform the general domestic duties as well as they spend a particular amount of time nurturing their small children. Of course, they get a little bit of free time when there are no children or the children had grown up.

This experience of the women can well be applied if they are employed. With the help of their rare talent, mentioned previously, they will be able to successfully operate at their professional field.

Women as a leader in the business world

Leadership. Is it an impossible thing for women to do? Obviously not.

Women are born with leadership abilities. The difference of women leadership with the male leadership is that the women speculates the situation more emotionally than men and, by this way, they get a better grasp over the understanding of any problem which ultimately leads to the brisk and effective solution of the problem.

As a matter of fact, women look upon any situation in a caring and motherly attitude. This not only brings stability in their posts, in which they are employed, but also provides better estimation of the professional matters. So, ‘women as a leader’, leads them to various employment opportunities such as leadership in business management streams or vocational streams.

Effective business leadership with the women

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So, let’s unleash the women power in order to get effectiveness in business leadership. The interesting fact is that women already possesses rare skills in leading and if they take steps in applying such virtues, then both the employers and the employees will be benefited. Women should not waste this leading aspect of their psychology. They should rather solidify it by going into more business leadership opportunities.


Saturday 29 August 2015

The Merits And Demerits Of A Digital Classroom

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The definition of the human society includes the involvement and the effect of technology in it. It is the reason of our development as well as the purpose to future improvement.
It has inculcated various innovative methods and tools that aim to the better effectiveness. One of these innovative and interactive tools is the ‘digital classroom’ that has become an important part of the methodology of the educational system.
But nothing is formed without certain disadvantages. Digital learning also possesses certain disadvantages as well as its advantages. Come, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of digital education:


The digital learning enables various innovative and interactive privileges both to students and teachers. These are briefly discussed in the following:

Independent innovative students’ learning

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This is a particular type of innovative and interactive tool that the digital learning allows. In this system, students can be divided into separate groups to perform a single task. All of the students will try to perform their best in this way than they usually do alone. This independent tool enables students to produce their best efforts in completing a task.

Illustrations in a visual format

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This is one of the effective modes of the digital learning. The lessons; the lectures or the teachings of the teachers are shown in video format. It engages the learner’s mind more to education and they automatically become interested in learning. The concept of ‘Flipped classroom’ can also be considered as one of the innovative ways of the digital classroom.

Effective learning

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It is true that the interesting way of learning increases the range of understanding of the students. Digital learning also enables the learners to learn at a higher speed than usual ultimately saving time and bringing effectiveness.

Life Skills with the help of technology

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It is also evident that the life skills of the students are strengthened by the digital classroom. Making presentations; writing e-mails and various other skills of them are improved which will help them to perform better in their professional field.


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Not all of the students are the same. Some of them are inclined towards the creative way of learning. Digital classroom also provides the creative manner of education which becomes successful in satisfying the students’ requirements of learning through creative aspects.


So, the advantages are mentioned. Now let’s look at the disadvantages of the digital classroom:

The question of distraction

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Students are easily distracted by technology because of their growing interest to it. If technology becomes handled in a wrong way by them, then ultimately they become tremendously affected by it. Proper security and supervision on educational technology is chiefly required for recovering from this problem.

Less communication

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The digital classroom makes the students to communicate less as their minds get normally busy to the ‘interesting’ education. In this way, verbal communication gets hampered and the students can become weak in social skills. The teachers should encourage verbal communication among the students. This will enable their social skills and interaction to be increased.

Security and safety

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The students should not gain access to any unwanted content or material. Security regarding the improper materials must be maintained in the digital classroom.

Ignoring the traditional way

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As students will get to know more about the technical aspects of education, they will normally want to fulfil education through the technical way and not the traditional one. This has a tendency of students not applying their intelligence of studying as technology engages the most of their minds.

Overwhelming technology

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As technology entered the educational system, it does have an inclination towards trying to eradicate the normal or traditional learning because of its rapid use and expanding popularity.

To know more about the cons of online learning click here.

Proper education

Science and technology do affected education at a huge extent. But the increasing effect of technology should not surpass the purpose of actually getting educated and not getting technologically improved. We should keep in mind that technology should fulfil the goal of education and not education fulfilling the aim of technology.

Here is some more for you.

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