Tuesday 12 January 2016

Online Education – A Changing Face In China's Education

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/JuhUVT
Providing basic service to the mankind is not only a global issue, but has also appeared as a major cause of concern within the social system. Though there are lot of initiatives are taking place to facilitate the basic needs to the underserved or the underprivileged, are these measures sufficient for the survival of these people ? What about their future? How can it be shaped properly while people from blessed background are making it big? The only answer of these questions is a proper mode of education. Infusing education can be meaningful resource to ensure better life. Education, aiming skill development, could aid these ignored pupils to earn job and desirable life.

So, how can they receive education? Specially those - living in refugee camps, remote villages, civil war-torn and underdeveloped countries. Providing education in these areas will require compact and concrete planning & no mode of learning than online will serve them better.

Online Education – An Opportunity To Give Your Career A Boost

Currently, the demand for online education has been growing exponentially worldwide as it helps individuals to progress in their respective careers. You will not only acquire the necessary skills, staying within your flexibility & convenience, but you will also develop essential practical expertise, that will improve your performance at the workplace.

Today the revolution of online learning has so extended that it is not only restricted into the countries, where it has been originated, but, approximately 11 million students from all over the world are enrolling into online courses. If students are willing to opt for online learning, then they can search like this for UK Universities to gain a proper diploma or degree.

Online Education In China Has Taken A Leap

The Chinese Government is expecting online education to bring “revolutionary” change to the education system by reducing inequity in quality of education between urban and rural schools and by sharing the best teaching resources & so is happening rapidly, as confirmed by a blue book.

2013 came as a fortunate year in China when, according to Current Situation in China's Educational
Image Courtesy: goo.gl/ugFzt1
Science and Technology, online education era has begun & since then the number of educational science and technology enterprises has been growing at 50%.

Blue book, along with jiemodui.com , Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, some significant online education media, cited that, while within September the number of online education programmes have uplifted to 3,000, by November, the financing in China's online education rocketed to $1.76 billion in total.

Confirming that, online education in China is undergrowing a positive inflation, Mei Chujiu, founder and editor-in-chief of jiemodui.com, said,
"Education in China used to be divided strictly into two independent parts-education in the public school system and private tutoring out of schools, which operated separately and seldom integrated with each other."
Image Courtesy: goo.gl/VrBjWT
However since 2013, when top education authorities announced a 10-year plan to popularize the use of information, communication and technology (ICT) in the field of education nationwide, these two parts of the education have been seeming to come together.

Liu Ying, director of the Test and Evaluation Research Institute under ATA, a company that provides test and evaluation services in China, said education in China is at a turning point and reform is needed, and the Internet will play a key role to achieve that. Liu Ying said,

"One direction of reform is to help students improve learning efficiency and effect," 
"And thanks to the convenience and the big data brought by the Internet, we are more able to help students to achieve these goals, deploying tools and techniques including a self-adaptive test system, individual knowledge graph and big-data analysis."

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/KdnZVX

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

Article Source: goo.gl/vxmtVZ

Wednesday 23 December 2015

With Universities Re-framing The Course-Design, Distance Learning Top Up Degrees Can Succeed

Online learning has grown widely for several years. But, still many are sceptical about e-learning. However, individuals who took online courses have earned better prospect for themselves. For instance professionals who are engaged in top up degree online programme has gained key skill and
Image Courtesy: goo.gl/lC8KDE
knowledge. The similar courses have helped professionals to obtain a key position in a company and take further studies.
To prevent the disengagement or drop-out from an online course universities can remodel their e-learning. Educational institutes have to evaluate how distance learning courses can entice students. Several measures can be taken in this regard. New and innovative teaching techniques should be adapted to engage the learners. To avert drop-out more education new technology like- learning applications has to be introduced. Universities have to think beyond uploading video contents and text docs. Let us discuss the other measures adjoining which disassociation of the learners could be checked.

Purpose Of Learning

Students take higher studies with a definite goal. Many professionals take distance learning top-up degrees to accelerate their career. Such online courses not only lead the formation of new skill and knowledge in an individual but also serves as the gateway for further studies for career advancement. Thus, universities have to remodel their courses. Distance courses should contain meaningful learning that will appease the knowledge quest of the learner. The outcome of the learning should allow to expedite the career of the learner. You can check this video:

Technique & Tool: Online Courses

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/XRv8fP
In any form of education – traditional or online, learning heavily rely on the teaching. It's the incite online instructors. They have to help teachers to innovate new teaching practice to raise the quality of education. In distance learning top up degrees institutes adapt new methods of teaching which help the learner to understand the latest trend of the market and industry.

Apart from improving the quality of the teaching universities have to device digital tools to the meaningful utility. Professionals taking top up degree online say that digital resources have helped them to balance work, life and learning. It signifies that an online course caters customised learning to match the requisite of the learner.

Learning In The New Age Is “Real”

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/cTuLXG
Educating the students does not mean providing the bookish knowledge. In the real world, knowledge with practical learning is crucial. The outcome of the education is decisive to imprint the ability of an individual. Universities need to understand that those who opt for online study prefer personalised learning. Hence, the online course programmes behave as home tutor to the student. It should be adequate enough to conciliate the need of the students. With the latest technology in hand, online learning courses should enable the learners to create and share instead of restrained to MCQ's and warehouse of text documents. While framing purposeful distance learning courses, universities have to engage to regular evaluation so that alterations can be made for the benefit of the online learners.

Engaging Learners

Image Courtesy: goo.gl/N5yBgU
There is no doubt that online learning is the most convenient mode of obtaining learning in the edtech and cost effectiveness makes it an effective tool of knowledge. But ignoring the causes of disassociation between the e-learning and students could affect the true purpose of online education. Thus, universities have to reconsider the design of the courses to ensure the engagement and successful culmination on the online programmes.

What do you think? Share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.

Article Source: goo.gl/QrJfnD